Thursday 11 June 2015

Peer Reviews

I have recently sought feedback on my final images for my portfolio.

A fellow student Sam Oxford Dean said:
'Your work really reminds me of the images Alex Prager shot of Bryce Dallas Howard. The cinematic feel of the shots is the key link, but the styling is similar and so is the theme. The tears are really effective in communicating emotion'

Another student Jeanette Bolton Martin said:
'Your portfolio looks great. It shows strong progression but i do feel as though one half is strongly inspired by an editorial Paolo Roversi theme and the other is a separate cinematic theme.'

I was very grateful to receive such high praise from some of the fellow students. Sam had no idea that one of my main influences was Alex Prager which shows that my images are very successful and effective. I also agree with Jeanette in that there doesn't seem to be a smooth transition between the aesthetics of the seasons images and my later cinematic images. They all however, hold similar colour palettes, lighting styles and emotive qualities that tie them in together.

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