Friday 12 June 2015

Reflection on learning agreement.

When looking at my original learning agreement and comparing it to the outcome of BA8, I feel as though I have generally stayed on track.
I have definitely expanded my connections with other artistic proffessionals through the use of collaboration with designers, makeup artists and models.
I explored colour theory to a certain extent and used it to change the way my images are percieved which is in line with what I originally wrote in my learning agreement.
Despite originally saying that I wanted to work in a similar way to Cecil Beaton and present my sitters as their 'ideal selves' and not as they are at their worst, I have actually combined both of these things. My models have been dolled up as if they're heading out for a night on the town but then I have also brought out that element of their inner darkness and sadness.
I have juxtapositioned glamour and depression in a similar way that Richard Mosse juxtapositions tradgedy and beauty so I have definitely taken inspiration from Mosse there.

In terms of the Assessment work section, I have successfully completed a portfolio of 15/20 images and updated my website accordingly. While I have not printed new promotional material I have created it and it will benefit me in the future as I have it on hand and can print it as soon as I need to without having to create a new batch.

As for the Schedule of work section, I will be handing my work in 2 weeks later than the original planned date of submission due to a death in the family, however, I do feel as though I have kept on track with my shoots, executing one every week/two weeks.

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