Tuesday 10 March 2015

Andres Delara

I have mocked up a possible lighting diagram for the above two shots. It looks as though the background is lit with two lights. There is a definite hair light on the lower image and the gradual shadow on the model right hand side of face looks as though it has been lit with a beauty dish or a soft box with a honey comb from one angle.

When looking at Andres Delara's work in relation to my own, I can see that his is much more style orientated than mine. His lighting holds strong crisp contrast as well a bright highlights where as mine hold contrast but is not quite as crisp and snappy as his. This is something I'd like to work on in the future. I think this is down to the texture in the background of my work, it is holding back the potential for crisp outlines. Delaras work boasts strong composition and interesting subjects with crops that almost always cut off the models head. After receiving crit feedback that I need to be more adventurous in my cropping, I think I can learn alot from Delara. I really like the way that the models in his images stay fierce throughout the majority of his images. They permanently 'smize' or have a look of aggression or confusion on their faces. While this is not appropriate in some situations, in the majority of fashion portraits, this comes across and strong and empowering and as though the model is in control of the shot. To achieve the same standard of work as Andres Delara I will test out some of the university equipment as it is much better quality than mine. Specifically I will be using a Canon 5d Mark 2 with 135mm lens for my next shoot as this was recommended to me by a tutor and it is quite obvious that Delaras work is shot on digital.

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