Sunday 29 March 2015


I have been searching constantly for a part time job for the past 2/3 months. After going to several interviews I have managed to secure a position as a coffee barista in the train station. I'm finding juggling my work with the exhausting hours very difficult over the easter break as I am up at 3:30am in the morning to be at work for 5am. My evenings are cut short due to tiredness and in the past this is when I would do all my work. I will now have to make an effort to spend a one of my days off catching up with logbook and journal work.

Despite securing this job, I applied for the position of a photographer at Revolution Portraits in Norwich city centre about 3 months ago, I heard back from them 2 weeks ago and attended the interview regardless of my current employed status. They have invited me back for a second interview in a weeks time. The trial will consist of assisting the current photographers and seeing how I react with their clients. I am really greatful for an opportunity like this and really hope I get the job in the long run as they would be taking me on full time after university has finished. Despite only being at the coffee job for 2 weeks now, it would definitely be worth enduring the awkward 1 weeks notice in order to secure a full time job in the photography industry.

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