Monday 16 March 2015

Josh Olins inspired by Richard Mosse?

Richard Mosse - Infra

Josh Olins - Balenciaga campaign.

When scrolling through Josh's website I came across his Balanciaga campaign and immediately thought of Richard Mosse's Infra images.
I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that it appears that Josh has ripped off Richards images. The infra set of images are some of my favourite images ever and they mean so much to me, I feel like I really understand them and the pain felt in the Dominican Republic of Congo at the time the images were taken. But with Josh's images, while I'm happy that the unusual and beautiful aesthetic style has caught on, I feel as though the use of this in fashion imagery has now reduced the meaning of Richard Mosse's infra images.

I'm wondering if the campaign was shot on Kodachrome film or on digital and edited to look this way? I'm pretty sure it was the latter though, and unusually, I think this angers me. As a retoucher, manipulating and editing images is something I take pride and joy in but for some reason, I really do not like the fact that Josh Olins has created this campaign in 2014 that has basically ripped off the hard work and many years that Richard Mosse put into photographing in the Dominican Republic of Congo in 2012. This causes such a conflict inside of me.

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