Friday 10 April 2015

Post Cards

Above are a few potential options for postcard designs.  Number one shows a logo on one side and information on the other side. I'm not sure I like this design idea too much as it is basically an enlarged business card. What appeals to me about the other 3 designs is that on the information side there is an artist statement which makes me think that my postcards could be used for the end of year show and provide an insight into my work and who I am as a photographer.
With that in mind, it would be fitting for there to be an image on the other side of the postcard. I particularly like the portrait orientated postcard as it fits in with my personal style and is consistent with my business cards. I think keeping a marketing package consistent is extremely important as everything needs to flow well and accurately convey to its viewer who I am and what my work is about. I do however like the idea of having my logo on the information side of the postcard so my final design would be a mix of all the above designs.

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