Saturday 1 November 2014

Mid-term Skills

Technical skills - 
My lighting needs work, as does my retouching but this will get better as I practice and test shoot throughout the project
Communication - 
I think my communication skills are strong. I am booking models and shooting but I think my focus is a different story. I am easily distracted if something goes wrong in a shoot so I think I need a printed contingency plan for times like that so I have something solid to stick to.
Business skills - 
I think I have good business skills. I am always being approached by people for my services so I think my self promotional package is definitely working.
Time management skills - 
I think my time management could be better. I do get distracted by things quite easily so I need to put myself in a work environment every time I plan to do work. But I do already set aside every wednesday as my day where I catch up with logbook work if I am behind.
Contextual understanding -
My contextual understanding is a little bit all over the place at the moment. I need to grasp onto one idea and just run with it and perfect it.
Independent learning - 
I think independent learning is something that I am good at as its something I enjoy. The only time I can truly concentrate is when I am alone and in silence. I have been test shooting to learn new lighting skills and completing my own personal work which always teaches me new things about working with real life jobs and clients.

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